green lawn fertilizer

Mic Drop

For plant & soil health

green lawn fertilizerMIC DROP is a blend of comprehensive micronutrients, a proprietary sugar package, root-driving sea kelp, and carbon, all powered by our REACTION™ technology. Designed for optimal nutrient absorption, MIC DROP delivers intense, long lasting color while enhancing the biology in any soil. MIC DROP has been university proven to increase a plant’s photosynthetic ability. More photosynthesis means more energy and stronger turf!


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I have not seen a group of products perform as well as Turf Fuel in my 35 years in the turf industry.
— Joe Veller, Regional Superintendent West Coast Golf

MIC DROP is a blend of comprehensive micronutrients, a proprietary sugar package, root-driving sea kelp, and carbon, all power by our REACTION™ technology. MIC DROP has been university proven to increase a plant’s photosynthetic ability. More photosynthesis means more energy and stronger turf!

* Mic Drop only available in Canada. Coming to the USA in 2022

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