Canada Wetting Agents

Vanquish Plus

TREATMENT/RECOVERY Perfect for recovery from LDS and hydrophobic drought stress. Fast at reducing the symptoms of hydrophobic soils by providing hydration and rehydration across the root zone.

Distance Plus

120 DAY PREVENTATIVE The most dynamic long term soil surfactant available. University proven to provide 120 days prevention against LDS, even during exceptional summers. Flexible application rates and timing, provide options to meet your economic demands for quality turf.

Cleanse Plus

S4 (SOLVENT SOIL SURFACTANT SYSTEM) An aggressive penetrating agent, S4 solubilizes organic coating reducing the direct cause of LDS and HDC.

The Kraken Plus

30 DAY PREVENTATIVE Premier soil surfactant, providing tournament quality playing conditions. Built around two advanced polymers, fortified with Turf Fuels S4 solvent. The Kraken attacks the symptoms of LDS and HDC.