photosynthesis enhancer

Photo Fuel

Ready to soak up the sun and grow top-notch turf?

Superior sun absorptionphotosynthesis enhancer

Photo Fuel is specially designed to enhance photosynthesis in plants. This photosynthesis enhancer includes all the key nutrients the plant needs to structurally build solar panels, allowing it to absorb more sunlight, create more chlorophyll and make more food. It all adds up to create tougher, more vigorous turf.

Ultimate resistance

Photo Fuel is powered by Nutrifense® and two plant-based biostimulant components, which come together to trigger the plant’s natural defense system and help turf stand strong against plant stress and disease. For top turf quality, turn to Photo Fuel.

Healthier, more vibrant turf

Photo Fuel enhances photosynthesis while helping plants build defenses against stress and disease. The net result is more plant energy and improved turf color and health.


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The results from the Turf Fuel Recovery Program were very impressive with steady root development, strong growth, and a dense canopy.
— Jason Kubel, TPC Tampa Bay, Tampa Bay, FL

Photo Fuel is the fuel your turf needs to soak up the sun. This cutting edge photosynthesis enhancer isn’t your typical 12-0-0 product. Photo Fuel enhances photosynthesis and improves turf health and color, all while boosting plant defenses. Fortified with Nutrifense® and two plant-based biostimulant components, Photo Fuel leads to remarkably vigorous, energetic and beautiful turf.

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