soil moisture retention


Improve irrigation with an unrivaled moisture management tool

*US Only

Maximum moisture capacity

A state-of-the-art moisture management solution, AQUANOX improves the overall efficiency of irrigation systems and capitalizes on moisture events. This elite formulation was expertly designed to maximize moisture across a diverse range of soils. The end result is increased soil moisture retention.

Reduced watering demand

An incomparable irrigation aid, AQUANOX features four separate components that work together to maximize the distribution and retention of moisture throughout the soil profile. This powerful product greatly improves soil moisture capacity and offers uniform moisture distribution.

Uniform soil distribution

AQUANOX is an excellent and economical tank mix partner for chemistries that require uniform soil distribution.

I have not seen a group of products perform as well as Turf Fuel in my 35 years in the turf industry.
— Joe Veller, Regional Superintendent West Coast Golf

When irrigation and rainfall can’t meet your turf demands, turn to AQUANOX. No other product pushes, pulls and holds moisture like this innovative irrigation aid. Featuring four powerful components, AQUANOX was expertly designed to improve the overall efficiency of irrigation systems and capitalize on moisture events. To top it off, this elite formulation maximizes moisture across a diverse range of soils. Economical for season-long use, AQUANOX is an ideal tank mix partner for chemistries that require uniform soil distribution.

Discover the ultimate irrigation aid. Ask us about AQUANOX today!

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