spreader sticker for pesticides


Protecting spray tank application from natures wrath

Superior Spreading and Sticking

Stickum is a breakthrough in adjuvant performance, providing coverage from a super spreader and protection from latex. Stickum’s unique blend makes it a true Spreader Sticker for pesticides and foliar fertilizer applications.

Protection From The Elements

Stickum locks your application on target with a super-strong latex bond. This barrier protects from both the sun and wash off for maximum performance. The super spreader in Stickum evenly distributes applied products across the target area for uniform coverage and optimized results.

Safe and Flexible

Stickum is formulated to be tough yet completely safe when applied to high-value plants. Stickum will stand up to even the harshest conditions while its low use rate safeguards treatment areas from damage. Approved for aquatic applications, landscapes and ornamental beds.


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Since I grew this golf course in 15 years ago I have never seen my greens respond to foliar nutritional applications the way they do to Turf Fuel applications. The response is remarkable and noticeable within hours!
— Rod Gaffney, Buffer Park GC, Indianapolis, IN

Turfgrass damage from snow mold can be a serious and costly problem that reduces visual and playability characteristics of your turf and may discourage or prevent early season play. The most effective fungicide strategies for snow mold include sequential treatment applications with multiple active ingredients and modes-of-action in each spray. It takes a complex surfactant to get the most from these complex tank mixes. STICKUM adjuvant has components to aid with deposition, uptake, coverage and weathering. This spreader sticker for pesticides and foliar fertilizers helps get the most from your investment.

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