soil surfactant

The Kraken

Pro soil surfactant for tournament-style conditions

*US Only

Tourney-style conditions

A premier 30-day preventative soil and hydration surfactant, THE KRAKEN contains capped polymers and is reinforced by a unique solvent technology. It all comes together to provide incomparable tournament-style playing conditions.

No-burn formulation

Just say no to fertilizer burn. A multiple component proprietary surfactant, THE KRAKEN offers a safe, no burn formulation.

Superior hydration

This innovative soil surfactant provides uniform and consistent hydration throughout the root zone. Not only does this result in first-class turf; it also greatly improves water use efficiency.


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I can't believe how great my rooting is right now. My two problem greens are no longer problems and my turf is doing outstanding during a very rough summer. Turf Fuel has definitely made my greens stronger!
— Wes Hershberger, North Star Golf Club, Sunbury, OH

THE KRAKEN is a premier 30-day preventative soil surfactant designed to provide tournamentstyle playing conditions. This multiple component proprietary surfactant contains capped polymers and is reinforced by a unique solvent technology. Featuring a safe, no-burn formulation, THE KRAKEN provides uniform and consistent hydration throughout the root zone.

Ready to create tournament-style playing conditions? Get THE KRAKEN. Contact us today to learn more!

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