Optimizing Plant Defenses to Enhance Turfgrass Stress Tolerance

Optimizing Plant Defenses to Enhance Turfgrass Stress Tolerance

Turfgrasses experience numerous abiotic stresses during the growing season, including extremes in temperature, water availability, and traffic. This presentation will focus on the plant physiological mechanisms that turfgrasses utilize to combat common abiotic stresses. The effects of agronomic practices and supplemental plant health products for optimizing turfgrass defense mechanisms will also be discussed.

Michelle DaCosta is an Associate Professor in the Stockbridge School of Agriculture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Michelle earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Ph.D. in Plant Biology from Rutgers University. Her research program is centered on gaining greater insight into physiological mechanisms of turfgrass adaptation to environmental stresses, including winter injury and summer related stresses. Michelle’s lab also conducts applied research to help guide turf industry professionals on the selection of stress-resistant grass species and cultivars, and to aid in the development of best management practices aimed at reduced water, fertilizer, and pesticide use.


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