The True Value of Soil Surfactants in your Turf Program

The True Value of Soil Surfactants in your Turf Program

We’ll take deep dive into to the cause of localized dry spots, how wetting agents work and are classified, and how application timing, spray volume and post-application irrigation affect products’ efficacy and specifically discuss Turf Fuel research conducted at the UofA on the prevention and recovery of localized dry spot.

Dr. Douglas Karcher is a Turfgrass Soil Specialist and Professor in the Department of Horticulture, University of Arkansas. He received a B.S. Degree from The Ohio State University, and Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from Michigan State University. In addition, he has several years of experience in golf course maintenance and residential turf installation and maintenance. Dr. Karcher instructs several courses as part of the Turf Management curriculum within the Horticulture, Landscape, and Turfgrass Science major at the University of Arkansas. His research program has focused on improving turfgrass quality through innovative cultural practices while minimizing environmental impacts. He has authored/coauthored over 50 peer-reviewed papers and 130 articles resulting from his research program. Dr. Karcher is a founding board member of the European Institute for Turfgrass Science, an organization dedicated to providing research-based recommendations to the European Turfgrass Industry. In addition, Dr. Karcher developed and has co-instructed a seminar titled, “Gadgets and Gizmos” for the GCSAA Education Conference. This full day seminar is constantly evolving to include the latest technology available to superintendents to help diagnose and communicate their management problems.


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