Utility & Specialty

Green Shield Turf Paint

The professional look for your athletic field, Green Shield Turf Paint is a colorant for dormant or discolored grasses.

Pacific Green

A premium green spray dye indicator for improved application accuracy. Reduce overlap, misapplication and loss with Pacific Green.

Pacific Blue

A premium blue spray dye indicator for improved application accuracy. Reduce overlap, misapplication and loss with Pacific Blue.

TS Pro Hulk

By design, Hulk defends your turf from damaging UVB rays. Hulk’s dark, natural color promotes increased photosynthesis and a healthier plant.


SPRAY PIGMENT CLEANER Concentrated formulation allowing a ready-to-use (RTU) application on stubborn stains. Dilute ratio for typical use pigment/stain removal.


ANTI/DEFOAM AGENT Great to prevent known foaming products and knock down existing foam. Easy to use and effective at low rates.

Pacific Blue HC

Highest concentrated liquid dye available. Built to provide both spray dye indicator and pond colorant applications. Professional strength, low use rates.

Tank pHIX

SPRAY TANK ACIDIFIER Protect the integrity of products added to the spray tank by buffering the pH and avoiding alkaline hydrolysis. Tank pHix is designed to quickly adjust tank pH and provide a color reaction corresponding to proper pH adjustment.