reduces localized dry spot


Ditch the dry spots with a premium soil solvent system

*US Only

Aggressive LDS treatment

Ready to transform unsightly patches into top-notch turf? It’s time for a soil CLEANSE. A concentrated solvent soil surfactant, CLEANSE provides an aggressive treatment strategy, and reduces localized dry spot (LDS) and hydrophobic soil conditions.

Improved water movement

Get hydrated with CLEANSE. This 80% S4 (SOLVENT SOIL SURFACTANT SYSTEM) drastically improves water penetration and hydration by reducing known hydrophobic organic materials.

Safe, no burn formulation

CLEANSE was expertly designed to reduce symptoms of LDS, improve water movement and restore natural hydration—all while protecting and nurturing your existing turf. This premium product’s no-burn formulation offers the ultimate safety.


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Turf Fuel has performed with absolute precision at the Victoria Golf Club! Great colour and consistent growth without compromising green speed.
— J. Paul Robertson, Victoria Golf Club, Victoria, B

An 80% S4 (SOLVENT SOIL SURFACTANT SYSTEM), CLEANSE is a powerful penetrating agent that reduces symptoms associated with localized dry spots (LDS) and hydrophobic soil conditions. This concentrated solvent soil surfactant provides an aggressive treatment strategy, aimed at reducing the cause of these major turf issues. CLEANSE dramatically improves water penetration and restores natural hydration by reducing known hydrophobic organic materials. To top it off, this premium product offers a safe, no-burn formulation to protect your existing turf.

Ready to ditch the dry spots and tidy up your turf? Contact us today to learn more about CLEANSE!

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